Sunday, July 14, 2019

Welcome to the Soul Search Café

The Soul Search Café has been an idea of mine for many years.  So often, as humans, we doubt ourselves, our accomplishments, what we are capable of, and how we can become who we've always wanted to be.  As a very involved member of the self-doubt club, I have procrastinated, wavered, feared, doubted, and so many other negative behaviors and emotions concerning creating this blog.  It's interesting, to me, how we can cling to the negative and allow it to prey on who we want to become.

We all grow in different ways.  Just like flowers need sun, food, and water to grow, we have our needs.  Needs are not the same as desires.  As humans, we often equate need and desire and tend to get the two confused.  There is so much to learn about the human condition, and even more to learn about ourselves.  In this blog, I hope that we can help one another learn how to become more aware of who we are, learn how to find the positive in nearly everything, and cultivate happiness and hope through establishing not only who we want to become, but bringing that person to the forefront regardless of what others feel or think about our new decisions and changes in who we are.  I hope that we can be a lovely community of learning and growth offering one another food for our souls, bring water to cleanse and wash away the debris of negative influence, and be shown on by the sun of each other's support and encouragement.

Recently, I had a friend tell me that this was a good idea.  I hemmed, hawed, and procrastinated, again.  It's a favorite pastime of mine, procrastinating, that is.  Somehow, this time, Victoria, in all her wisdom and encouragement got through.  So, here we are, you and I, together, starting a journey of searching our souls.  I would like to invite you to come into the Soul Search Café to learn, offer your own knowledge, tell us your stories, and encourage us all with your brand of growth.  I look forward to offering you what I have, learning from you by gaining what you are willing to offer, and being a part of your journey, as I hope you'll be a part of mine.

Until next we meet, stay encouraged and affirmed,

A Little about Nell

Hi, I'm Nell, and welcome to the Soul Search Café.

I am a writer of creative nonfiction, general, fantasy, and romance fiction.  My most recent book is The Circle on  I have a Bachelor of Science in journalism, a Masters of Fine Arts in creative writing, and a Master of Science in mental health counseling.  I have been a writer since sixteen and learning what writing meant to me.  I enjoy reading everything from paranormal romance and poetry to cookbooks and psychology journals.  I am a huge fan of eating out even though I know better, but don't we all?  I love to cook when I have someone to cook for, and my major hobbies are aromatherapy, making my own lotions and oils, research, and learning something new nearly every day of my life.  In truth, aside from writing, learning is a leading passion for me. 

I invite you to come into the café and search your soul, bring me on your journey, share in mine, and edify me.  I will be proud to say I am learning with you!

Until next we meet, stay encouraged and affirmed,