Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Little about Nell

Hi, I'm Nell, and welcome to the Soul Search Café.

I am a writer of creative nonfiction, general, fantasy, and romance fiction.  My most recent book is The Circle on  I have a Bachelor of Science in journalism, a Masters of Fine Arts in creative writing, and a Master of Science in mental health counseling.  I have been a writer since sixteen and learning what writing meant to me.  I enjoy reading everything from paranormal romance and poetry to cookbooks and psychology journals.  I am a huge fan of eating out even though I know better, but don't we all?  I love to cook when I have someone to cook for, and my major hobbies are aromatherapy, making my own lotions and oils, research, and learning something new nearly every day of my life.  In truth, aside from writing, learning is a leading passion for me. 

I invite you to come into the café and search your soul, bring me on your journey, share in mine, and edify me.  I will be proud to say I am learning with you!

Until next we meet, stay encouraged and affirmed,


  1. Groove on my Sister!!! I love your introductory post and look forward to many more of your intriguing writings!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and support. I intend to "groove on," as you have encouraged. I wonder if I will ever manage the moonwalk though. If I knew how to put in emojis I'd have one of those thinking faces displayed. Hope to see you back in the café soon. Grab a cup of Joe or a nice settling brew of tea and explore essences with us.
